


Now Available for Pre-Order!    panAFRICAproject: Volume 2

"Photography can transcend time and distance. It goes beyond censorhip, frontiers, borders, and removes the blinders of xenophobia. Photography so easily interprets complex things, ideas, and concepts. Photography is the next best thing to being there."

- Lou Jones

Africa photos by Lou Jones

Our mission is to create a contemporary, visual portrait of modern Africa.


How are we to confront all the dangers that even now threaten life in Africa...
To join together is to live.
– Seydou Badian

54 countries in Africa

Go to interactive map & follow along our trips. Also see in depth the countries we have already visited & places we are planning to go.

africa mao

panAFRICAproject collage

star symbol

languages are spoken in Africa

Sign with Arabic, French, and Berber languages. Casablanca, Morocco

6,583 kilometers (4,258 miles)
the Nile River is the longest in the world

Nile River
Feluccas on the Nile River. Aswan, Egypt

target symbol

panAFRICAproject collage

Africa has SIX of the world's ten fastest growing economies.

africa street scene
Makola market. Accra, Ghana

africa graph

Consumer spending power in Africa has risen year after year. By 2028 it is expected to be over
$2.5 Trillion

ethiopia has the fastest growing economy in the world.

panAFRICAproject has extensive images of industry and economy in Ethiopia. 

industrial ethiopia

ethiopia truck factory
MESFIN truck assembly plant. Mek'ele, Ethiopia
bananas for sale
Kariakoo market. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Africa has abundant resources and exports of coffee, diamonds, cocoa, fruits, and vegetables.

3 symbols

TRENDING TOPICS we are exploring in depth

Retrieving water. Monduli, Tanzania
Retrieving water. Monduli, Tanzania


Biotechnology research facility (sugar cane). Mek'ele, Ethiopia


tv studio
Music recording studio. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso


In photography terms, our project will apply a long shutter speed to gain access to tradition and new initiatives, and use a wide aperture to increase exposure of examples of the diverse spectrum of activities. This horizontal and vertical investigation will justify an intense amount of time in each location.
